Wednesday 17 April 2013

Costumes and Props


For the costumes in my video I have decided to opt for a more indie look even though I have classified my genre as punk the costumes worked well with the image I was trying to create.

From the images above, my costumes were very everyday wear consisting of jeans, hoodies and T-shirts.  I chose this as the audience will be able to relate to these clothes because they are available for them to buy.


The props I used consisted of a drum kit and guitars as these are the main components of my bands song

In the scenes of the band hanging out, I used the props of a games controls and a pack of cards as these were easy to access and also allows them to just be their selves which is the shot I was aiming for.

Another prop I used was a red bus that appears in my animatic, I used this as it links with a specific lyric in my song. 

I have also used various props that link with specific lyrics or work with the scene I was trying to create.

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