Friday 12 October 2012

Punk Era- Dance Style

Dance Style:

The dance styles of the Punk era was not set in stone and this cause many deviant forms of dance to be produced. One of the most famous is the "pogo" originally  initiated by Sid Vicious, the dance consisted of either keeping their torso rigid or thrashing it about, holding their arms stiffly or flailing them, keep the legs together or kick them about and jumping up and down or jumping about. 

Moshing developed from pogoing, it is much more aggressive and involves at lot pushing and shoving. There are two different types of moshing; Circle pits and wall of death. 

Circle Pits:

Circle pits happen usually when the band signals with a circular finger motion, the participants then run around around in a circle, pushing and shoving isn't necessary but tends to happen. Trampling also isn't an issue as their is an unspoken rule where if some falls down then you help them back up.

Wall of Death:

Wall of death occurs when the fans split up in to two separate groups and stand on opposite sides of the arena or concert space then when given a signal by either the band or themselves they then run at each other and collide in the middle. During the Wall of death trampling is much more common has the smaller space makes it harder to reach people.

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