Thursday 11 October 2012

Punk Era- The music

The Punk Era began as a way to distance its self from the sentimentality of the 70's rock. Critic Robert Christgau spoke about the Punk genre saying "It was also a subculture that scornfully rejected the political idealism and Californian flower-power silliness of hippie myth." Although Patti Smith, known as the "godmother of punk" suggested that "the hippies and the punk rockers were linked by a common anti-etsablishment mentality". 

The Music.
Punk music often consisted of the bare musical structures of 1960's garage rock. Typical a punk band consists of 1/2 electric guitars, bass guitar, drums as well as vocals. , majority of punk songs a quite short sometimes under 2 minutes long and followed the conventions of the traditional rock 'n' roll verse-chorus form and 4/4 time signature. The vocals of a punk song sometimes sound quite nasally and are usually shouted instead of the traditional singing. The vocals lack the conventional shift in pitch, volume or intonation style. Complex Guitar solos are deemed unnecessary but basic guitar breaks are very frequent, guitar parts include distorted versions of power chords or barre chords this creates the characteristic sound which is known to some critics as 'buzzsaw drone'. Bass guitar sequences are relatively uncomplicated and quite quintessentially a relentless, repetitive, "forced" rhythm. Drum sounds in the punk genre are usually heavy and dry and have a minimal set up. The production of the tracks themselves tend to be minimalistic and sometimes were laid down on home tape recorders, this reaches the goal of the track sounding un-manipulated and "real", also it reflects the authenticity of a live performance. The lyrics tend to be frank and confrontational and in the early punk the lyrics they frequently commented on social and political issues. In early British punk the goal was to shock and outrage the nation. 

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