Thursday 18 April 2013

Editing my Music Video

When editing my music video I was quite familiar with the how to use the editing software from my previous project last year.

One of the technique I used was transitions between my clips, these are important to ensure a smooth and effective video. The main transitions I used was cross-disolve, cross- blur, fade to black and fade to white this is because out of all of the transitions they were the most appropriate for my music video.

Another technique was the changing the filters of certain clips. I did this by going in to the clip adjustments and clicking video effects. The first filter I used was vignette, I used this during my animatic scenes so that it was clear that they were the animatics and the filter gave the shot an old style movie effect and it worked well with my final project.

Changing the filter
The second filter I used was sepia. I used this during the scenes with the girlfriend scenes and this was to show the differences between the lead singers time with his girlfriend and time with the band.

Changing effect
One of the final techniques I used was the precision editor. I used this to make sure that my clips fit to the song I have chosen especially for my animatics as they have many clips for one piece of film as it was very difficult to make sure that everything was kept in time. 

Precision editor

Wednesday 17 April 2013


I decided to vary the location of my music video from outside to inside. I decided to film my band playing outside as it looked very effective and was easy to obtain.

The inside shot varied from the use of 2 living rooms, a dining room, a bedroom and the back garden again they were al easy to obtain but connected with the story and also are similar to what a new band would be able to afford on a budget.

Back Garden

Dining Room

Front Room

Front Room

Costumes and Props


For the costumes in my video I have decided to opt for a more indie look even though I have classified my genre as punk the costumes worked well with the image I was trying to create.

From the images above, my costumes were very everyday wear consisting of jeans, hoodies and T-shirts.  I chose this as the audience will be able to relate to these clothes because they are available for them to buy.


The props I used consisted of a drum kit and guitars as these are the main components of my bands song

In the scenes of the band hanging out, I used the props of a games controls and a pack of cards as these were easy to access and also allows them to just be their selves which is the shot I was aiming for.

Another prop I used was a red bus that appears in my animatic, I used this as it links with a specific lyric in my song. 

I have also used various props that link with specific lyrics or work with the scene I was trying to create.